Global Option details not displaying...

…maybe I'm missing something and I haven't found an answer here yet…

I have a global option setup for our gift card products, something like “Include note with gift card” with a field where they can enter in a custom message.

The option itself works fine, I receive the details of the message/option with the orders. But the details of the message/option are not printed/displayed in the email confirmation or on the invoice/packing list. In other words, only the “Include note with gift card” is displayed… no details of what the customer would have entered. (This confuses the customer… did they get the message I entered?)

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


Replying again to my own topic, but easier to update that way…

I have confirmed that the option message IS displaying in customer emails and in the packing list.

But it is NOT displaying in the admin emails or the invoice. What file/template am I looking for to include this, and what code do I add?


[EDIT : fixed by CS cart due to a bug. Thanks support!]