Get Product Variable In Documents

Good evening everyone,

I am working on the documents section in order to add some extra information needed when printing orders and I am having some issues adding a variable I need showing. I am using CS-Cart version 4.4.3, going to Admin Panel > Design > Documents > Invoice > Products Table > Item Description.

As shown on the screenshot attached, we have some standard variables provided by cs-cart, which includes p.procude_code (SKU), but I also have a different product code which is a product feature, and I have no idea how to get it showing here.

The product code I want to fetch, is shown on the product_feature table as the number 8, which I want to grab his value and show it there.

        "8": {
          "feature_id": "8",
          "company_id": "1",
          "feature_type": "T",
          "parent_id": "7",
          "display_on_product": "Y",
          "display_on_catalog": "Y",
          "display_on_header": "N",
          "description": "Product Code",
          "lang_code": "en",
          "prefix": "",
          "suffix": "",
          "categories_path": "",
          "full_description": "",
          "status": "A",
          "comparison": "N",
          "position": "0",
          "group_position": "0",
          "value": "Z000116",
          "variant_id": "0",
          "value_int": null

Any suggestions or ideas on how to implement this solution will be highly appreciated, spend quite some time trying to understand those smarty templates but still haven't figured it out.


