General questions and features missing..?


I just purchased the new version of cscart, having know inside-out the old version 2. I see a lot of stuff aren’t there and I realize that the devs rushed a bit into releasing the new version while they still haven’t completed all the features. I don’t mind waiting for them, but for a few thing it’s absolutely necessary I begin working, so I need a few answers.

a) Aren’t there any other themes besides the basic skin? There used to be a lot to choose from, but can’t seem to find how to install them at version 4.01 ultimate?

B) I see newsletters is missing, on-site translation mode is missing, do we know when we are having them back?

c) I started on-site design mode and site won’t exit from it. How is this done?

Thanks for your time, if anyone can help, please do so, I am so anxious to get this done, since I have a lot of things going on.

From version 3 there is only on theme. But version 4 is highly customizable if you have a design.

Yes, but having a selection of multiple themes you can easily change the main structure. Is there an easy way of change the site's homepage into looking like the categories page for example without having to restructure all the thing? Like renaming the appropriate tpl files maybe?

What about the missing features or exiting the on-site design mode (this one seems like a bug because everything seems to be in place)?

Sorry for the repetitive bashing,

Have you checked the block manager? It's quite flexible to do what you want. No need to do core template file changes.

For the bug cs-cart will provide a fix or you can get a fix through cs-cart helpdesk.

Thanks cscartrocks! I am just playing with the block manager atm. I selected the homepage and clicked on the settings icon next to it, I selected dispatch: view categories, which I assume loads the categories tpl for the homepage. However, it comes out empty. At this point of cscart development I don't know if I am the one doing something wrong, or there are bugs or things not implemented yet.

Shouldn't selecting this have the categories view selected and be populated by anything I have selected?