Free Social Side Slider Addon

Did you post theupdated version of the social side slide? I just found out via customers that it was stopping them in the check out process. Love the product other wise. If this has been abandon is there some thing else that could be used? I have a facebook addon (sorry not your) that shows a like button on each product. Need to some how have some thing that will show up on the site overall. maybe something could be put in a block which then can be controlled were it shows. Just love that slide thing yopu made. If it needs some funds to finish the programing, lets talk.

Dave DeWitt

cs-cart ver2.1.1

[quote name='dvsgr' timestamp='1345529561' post='143301']


The problem with sssl and checkout pages is solved and I will be posting this the next few days.

As for the rest I haven't found any problems with images and banners. Only thing is that is not compatible with ie7 but that I know.

Don't forget it is a free Addon and all friends developers can contribute to that not only with ideas but also with code.

Any help provided is appreciated.



Hi Dave

this problem can be very easily solved if it is not activated in the chekout page.

Need a few lines to do that.

I think it has to do with your version, cause there was no other problems from fellows around.

Let me know your url to have a better look.



Have you had a chance to check our site on why the social slide causes problems on check and other ssl pages?


David DeWitt


try to insert at the begging of the file in skins/[your skin]/customer/addons/dvs_side_slide/hooks/index

{if $controller == 'checkout' && $mode == 'checkout'}


and at the very end


This will disable the addon for checkout.

Try it and let me know



That looks like it works. So can we use some type of “or” statement to test for more secured pages or can we just test for anything being sent as https. I started trying to find all the pages that use https requests. Here is my current list:

view cart


sign in



my.account page

and the page after an order is processed

No doubt I missed some others.

Thanks for all your help,

David DeWitt


I think you can try "or " statment for those pages you found

checkout.cart [color=#282828][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]{if $controller == 'checkout' && $mode == 'cart'}[/font][/color]

profiles.add [color=#282828][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]{if $controller == 'profiles' && $mode == 'add'}[/font][/color]

auth.login_form [color=#282828][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]{if $controller == 'auth' && $mode == 'login_form'}[/font][/color]

I dont think you re missing anything !


How does one determine the controller and mode?




I got the controller and mode figured out. Which brought up another question. Of each of the controller types I found, Do I have to check for the mode also? I have not found a page that has any other types of modes. ie controller checkout seams to only have three modes “checkout, cart, and complete” so instead of testing for each combination of controller and mode, can I just test for the controller type?


David DeWitt


Thanks for the help. I have been able to get social slide not to cause problems with any of the https pages. Know lets see if it drives more people to FB and them more back to the site.


David DeWitt

Hi man.

share the code for others, tht have the shame problem.

Its always nice to share, it gets back to you!!!


Thanks goes to Fotis for pointing me in the right direction. I have added to the list that Fotis gave us and see below for my fix.

insert at the begging of the file in skins/[your skin]/customer/addons/dvs_side_slide/hooks/index

{if ($controller == 'checkout' && $mode == 'checkout') or ($controller == 'checkout' && $mode == 'cart') or ($controller == 'profiles' && $mode == 'add') or ($controller == 'auth' && $mode == 'login_form') or ($controller == 'profiles' && $mode == 'update') or ($controller == 'profiles' && $mode == 'my.account') or ($controller == 'orders' && $mode == 'search') or ($controller == 'orders' && $mode == 'details') or ($controller == 'orders' && $mode == 'print_invoice') or ($controller == 'checkout' && $mode == 'complete')}


and at the very end




Now another question for you Fotis,

I like the slider, but a big part of my customer base is little old ladies that are not real upto date with technology. ie old monitors.

I have had a couple emails that the slider is taking up a third of the screen.

Where in the code might I be able to adjust the width of how far it comes out?

