Fix tax subtotal

IF multiple tax rates (maybe single as well) no tax added to total

GST (5%):$2.40
TVQ (8.5%):$4.08
Coût total:$54.48

BUT after modd'ing views/checkout/components/checkout_totals_info.tpl

and adding line (see diff + ) then it adds…

```php {if $cart.taxes}

  • {$lang.taxes}:


  • {foreach from=$cart.taxes item=“tax”}

  • {$tax.description} ({include file=“common_templates/modifier.tpl”

    mod_value=$tax.rate_value mod_type=$tax.rate_type}

    {if $tax.price_includes_tax == “Y” && ($settings.Appearance.cart_prices_w_taxes != “Y” || $settings.General.tax_calculation == “subtotal”)} {$lang.included}{/if}):

    {include file=“common_templates/price.tpl” value=$tax.tax_subtotal}

    • {math equation=“x+y” x=$ y=$tax.tax_subtotal assign=“_total”}


      {/if} ```

      now gives

    Sous-total: $10.22
    Frais de transport: $14.76
    GST (5%): $1.10
    TVQ (8.5%): $1.88
    Coût total:$26.86

    never mind it seems it defaulted to tax per item , weird