Filter position - below the H1-tag?

Hi all,

Does anybody know how to change the position of the filters? (And not by moving blocks.)

I would like the filters to appear for example under the H1-tag (the title header of the page).


– FIlters –


When I try to move the filters in “blocks” it only allows me to put the filters above or below everything. If I put the filters above everything, the visitor will hardly see anything else unless he scrolls down. And a filter position below wont hardly be seen at all, I suspect.

Is there a FILTER HOOK or anything I could insert into a template in order to display the filters?

Thanks for helping.

[quote name='Tamaran' timestamp='1291368922' post='96956']

Hi all,

Does anybody know how to change the position of the filters? (And not by moving blocks.)

I would like the filters to appear for example under the H1-tag (the title header of the page).


– FIlters –


When I try to move the filters in “blocks” it only allows me to put the filters above or below everything. If I put the filters above everything, the visitor will hardly see anything else unless he scrolls down. And a filter position below wont hardly be seen at all, I suspect.

Is there a FILTER HOOK or anything I could insert into a template in order to display the filters?

Thanks for helping.



I need to do exactly the same thing. Did you come up with any solution ?

I tried to include manually the blocs/product_filters.php into templates but without any success. I think that need some extra parameters to pass to the product_filters.tpl…

Thank you

[quote name='asiarlis' timestamp='1312283435' post='118686']


I need to do exactly the same thing. Did you come up with any solution ?

I tried to include manually the blocs/product_filters.php into templates but without any success. I think that need some extra parameters to pass to the product_filters.tpl…

Thank you


Well, i find a solution to my problem.

I know that is not the best way to do this but it works great form me.

Edit the template skinks/YOUR_SKIN_NAME/customer/product_filters.tpl and surround the whole code with smarty capture tag:

{capture name='myProductFilters'}
Here is the product filters code

The capture variable captures the output of the surrounding code into a variable with name myProductFitlers (you can change the variable name to whatever you want} instead of output directly the results to the template files.

If you need to learn more about the smarty capture variable visit the following link:

[url=“{capture} | Smarty”]Search Results for "docs" | Smarty

Do exactly the same think for the template file skinks/YOUR_SKIN_NAME/customer/product_filters_extended.tpl

Next, open the template that you user to display products. These templates are located under skinks/YOUR_SKIN_NAME/customer/list_templates. I use the product_grid.tpl.

Navigate to line 22 with the code

and place the following code under the above:

{if $smarty.capture.myProductFilters ne ""}

Check the attached files to see a preview of the result.


Of course you need to apply some css in order to achieve better appearance but this is an easy part.
