Features Possible?

Here is what I am looking for - Single store/Multi Seller setup.

  1. Seller can register and choose a 3 month,6 month OR 1 Year membership - Pay the membership fee upfront based on duration.
  2. The customers do not need membership and will always have free access to store.
  3. The Customer will be shown all sellers around him - By his zip code,Distance,city etc Can we show all sellers around the customer on google map?
  4. Customer can choose multiple products from different sellers and pay 1 time.
  5. Only I as a store owner will upload categories and products. Seller can only choose which product they want to sell and specify its price. They cannot create new products, add pics etc.
  6. Seller should be able to use a spreadsheet to upload thier inventory in bulk.
  7. I can add a commission based on product. Is product based commission possible?

    Please let me know if all these features are possible and what modules/addons are needed.



We are working on the similar task now. If you are interested, feel free to contact us