Error upgrade 4.14 -> 4.15

Hello. Please help upgrade cs-cart to 4.15.
Nginx + php 7.3
[root]# php admin.php --dispatch=upgrade_center.console upgrade core
Do you want to create a backup? [Y,n]: n
2023-01-28 12:23:10: Downloading “core” upgrade package

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Upgrade package has been downloaded and ready to install

(N) Оповещение: Пакет обновлений загружен и готов к установке



2023-01-28 12:23:23: Starting installation of the “core” upgrade package

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Upgrading version 4.14.3.SP1 to 4.15.1

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Running as user “root”

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Storing entry point files permissions…

2023-01-28 12:23:23: index.php ==> 33206 (-rw-rw-rw-)

2023-01-28 12:23:23: admin.php ==> 33206 (-rw-rw-rw-)

2023-01-28 12:23:23: api.php ==> 33206 (-rw-rw-rw-)

2023-01-28 12:23:23: vendor.php ==> 33188 (-rw-r–r–)

2023-01-28 12:23:23: ==> 16872 (drwxr-x—)

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Executing pre-upgrade validators

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Found 1 validators at package

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Executing “PHP Version” validator

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Executing “collisions” validator

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Executing “permissions” validator

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Executing “restore” validator

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Files and database backup skipped

2023-01-28 12:23:23: Executing pre-upgrade script “/path/var/upgrade/packages/core/content/scripts/pre_script.php”

Fatal error: Cannot declare class Smarty_Data, because the name is already in use in /path/app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_data.php on line 68
2023-01-28 12:23:26: PHP Compile Error: Cannot declare class Smarty_Data, because the name is already in use in /path/app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_data.php on line 68


If you have installed the upgrade to 4.15.1 before and then restored the backup, such issue can happen.

In this case you need to completely replace the contents of the app/lib/vendor/smarty/ folder with those ones from the 4.14.3 distributive.

I hope it will help you.

Thanks for the tip. It turned out to update the kernel. But now other compilation errors are displayed.

math: illegal characters

Error at
app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/plugins/function.math.php, line: 76
Doesn’t want to skip rand() and min(6,x).
Manually skip this error, then occurs
Syntax error in template “tygh:design/themes/abt__youpitheme/templates/common/product_data.tpl” on line 589 “{foreach name=”$a_name" from=$product.qty_content item=“var”}" 'name ’ attribute/variable has illegal value

Maybe some library is missing?

You are welcome.

This issue is related to the used third party theme Youpi Theme. Please try to upgrade it to the version which supports 4.15.x version of CS-Cart.