Error_occured when opening admin panel After upgrade to CSC-P 3.0.2

It looks like upgrade was not completed correctly. It is required to examine issue on your server. Try to contact support team

It looks like upgrade was not completed correctly. It is required to examine issue on your server. Try to contact support team

I downloaded the website v4.3.9 . I placed the files in localhost and modified config.local.php and .htaccess files and connected database also setting correctly. After that running in localhost, BUT ...

The description field is missed in the cscart_shipping_descriptions table in your database. Run the following SQL query to fix the issue:

ALTER TABLE `cscart_shipping_descriptions` ADD `description` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL;

Dear CS-Cart Team! Unfortunately Russian forum is no longer work properly (can't login and can't restore the password) so would you please answer me here? I meet the similar problem by following steps:

- move CS-Cart to test domain.
- upgraded there from 4.3.5 to 4.3.6
- RESTORED HERE (on the new 4.3.6!) SQL dump of 4.3.5

Got the same "Unknown column 'cscart_shipping_descriptions.description' in 'field list'" and the seme with statuses ID.

As I understood, this is because:

- shipping description were added. I think it is enough that I've did ALTER TABLE `cscart_shipping_descriptions` ADD `description` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL; and nowhere else it will appear as a problem.

- statuses ID now added and all functionality on 4.3.6 uses not status letters but ID's.

I've added in 3 tables status_id field and shop start working. BUT! Now I missed all my statuses from 4.3.5

What I did also is MANUALLY assign where I found ststus_id: ststuses, data, description... But I'm afraid I missed something and it will work wron for instance in certificates... For example cscart_statuses obviously the ID is the key field. But in cscart_status_data many lines has the same status_id value is it correct?

May be there are some script which transforms SQL dump 4.3.5 -> 4.3.6? Or where to check manually also?