Error Log

Dear all,

I notice the following in error log


///////administrator/components/com_sef/config.sef.php?mosConfig.absolute.path= [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in /path/to/public_html/addons/seo/func.php on line 702


Just wonder if anyone notice? Thanks!

It looks like an error during the generation of the sitemap.

thanks for your reply. I think there’re problems with their upgrade package.

(I only make changes on the template, not the code.)

Once i do a clean install and restore the database and adjust the settings again.

The problem disappears. Sign~!

[quote name=‘grabbags’]Dear all,

I notice the following in error log


///////administrator/components/com_sef/config.sef.php?mosConfig.absolute.path= [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in /path/to/public_html/addons/seo/func.php on line 702

```Just wonder if anyone notice? Thanks![/quote]

That’s a hacking script attempting to SQL injection.

Same hacker as always marked by the stamps



Grabbags, your post tells me someone was trying to inject code into your cscart.

Do we host you? If so, perhaps you might want to submit a support ticket ?

no, i did not host with you. hmm …