Error in profiles.update

it seems language is hardcoded for profiles.add and update ?

{$profile_fields}  	Array (4)<br />
C => Array (3)<br />
  6 => Array (7)<br />
    section => "C"<br />
    field_type => "I"<br />
    field_id => "6"<br />
    field_name => "firstname"<br />
    matching_id => "0"<br />
    description => "First name"<br />
    required => "Y"
```<br />
<br />
where are these pulled from ? i can't see where i can define those, as they are not in language templates.<br />
<br />
i see in the db they at <br />
<br />
SELECT *<br />
FROM `cscart_profile_field_descriptions`<br />
<br />
you might also note that the table is wrecked... it has doubles...

Go to Content/Languages and search for first_name

You will find it is set to ‘First name’ for english.