Edit Category In Admin Dashboard Leads To 404 On Storefront

I'm trying to edit a category I made on my CSCart Multivendor site, in the admin dashboard, and for some reason when I click edit, it brings me to a 404 error at the below url, instead of showing me the screen to edit category information like it used to. This is new, but I don't know what changed if anything to bring this error.

"The page you have requested cannot be found.

Error code: Page Not Found"


Please help.



Hello Mike

Try to check in the database if the cscart_category table has a record with category_id = 8. There is a rather strange mistake.

Best regards


How do I check the database? Sorry - new to this.

I appreciate the reply!

Hello Mike

If you have access to phpmyadmin on your hosting then you can use it.

Best regards
