E-Mail Subcriber Error. Please Help

When I put my email and click on subscribe then I get a 404 error Page. please tell me how to identify.

When I put my email and click on subscribe then I get a 404 error Page. please tell me how to identify.

If you have enabled mailchimp then you have to select proper item from the blocklist....

Any help?

Please help

Did you check what @demaldoo suggested? What does the button show for the link it will use when clicked?

And what is the URL in the address bar of the 404? You're not providing enough info.

No Mailchip addon is not enabled and i am not able to find the URL of Subscribe button. The following page open after click on subscribe button and url is www.name.com -

We were unable to find what you were looking for.
The page you have requested cannot be found.
Error code: Page Not Found

Did you check what @demaldoo suggested? What does the button show for the link it will use when clicked?

And what is the URL in the address bar of the 404? You're not providing enough info.

You should be able to right-click and then select "inspect element' and the dispatch parameter should be visable.

You should see a line similar to:


The value parameter is the controller.mode that will be used when button is clicked.

I had a similar issue.

I disabled the Newsletters add-on and enabled the E-mail Marketing add-on. At this point the Subscribe block defaults to the 404 page, but there was no Template option for Email marketing: Newsletter subscription.

To make it show I had to disable/enable the Email Marketing add-on, clear cache, ctrl+F5 the browser.

Now it works but the something has gone wrong with the layout of my page and the submit icon is not in the right place, see the pictures.

Sorry I know for some the fix is probably trivial!

