E-Mail, Footer, Code Snippet - Social Icons Do Not Display In Sent E-Mails

Good day people! :)

Does anyone know why my social icons are not displaying in sent emails?

You can view email footer here: https://prntscr.com/m8i4h3

Here is the footer snippet code:

{{ __("contact_information") }}
{{ company_data.company_address }}, {{ company_data.company_city }}
{{ __("get_social") }}
{% if company_data.company_name %}
© {{ company_data.company_name }} {{ __("customer_text_letter_footer") }}
{% endif %}

Any help is appreciated :confused:

I have a similar problem and would like to know a solution too.

I have a similar problem and would like to know a solution too.

Some times you may have to enter the full path to image, for example


Try, it should work.