Dynamic Product

On our product pages we manually link to different products, unfortunately sometimes these links break (someone forgets to create a 301) or we tranlate the product and forget to adjust the link. So static product links don't work for us.

I would like to create a link dynamically to a product in the front-end in the editor by specifiing the productid or similar. For example like Product name
or even better with the product name also dynamically.

How do i achieve this?

I see the topic title is a bit bad, but i cant edit it.

Anyone has an idea on how to create dynamic product links that can be used in the product description so i can easily crosslink products?

For example, you can use placeholders (like [PRODUCT:1555]). Then in the addon create products.post.php controller for store-front and parse placeholder before displaying product details

Yes, that would be perfect. I guess that's custom development and not something cs-cart has currently?

Yes, that would be perfect. I guess that's custom development and not something cs-cart has currently?

Right. Custom development work is required