Duplicate Title tags help

hi to all,

I have a huge problem with duplicate title tags and no idea how to resolve it. For example I have tried to disallow “/ware-mfg-inc.html?features_hash=P16&page=2” in google webmaster tools and then to remove it but it was denied by google…I don’t know why…? I have a lot issues with this “features_hash” and with this “/rabbit-cages/?more_filters=Y&subcats=Y&features_hash=V24”… Also my index.php and / are with duplicate titles…

Please advise me what to do. I am using 2.08

Thanks a lot!

Here is just a sample how should looks the robot.txt:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /addons/
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /controllers/
Disallow: /core/
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /js/
Disallow: /lib/
Disallow: /payments/
Disallow: /schemas/
Disallow: /shippings/
Disallow: /skins/
Disallow: /var/
Disallow: /admin.php
Disallow: /config.php
Disallow: /config.local.php
Disallow: /init.php
Disallow: /prepare.php
Disallow: /store_closed.html
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=products.search
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=wishlist.view
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=checkout.checkout
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=profiles.update
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=profiles.add
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=auth.login_form&return_url=index.php
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=checkout.cart
Try to add to your robots.txt that:

Disallow: /ware-mfg-inc.html?features_hash=
Disallow: /rabbit-cages/?more_filters=Y&subcats=Y&features_hash=

Remember that Google doesn’t support wildcars in URL’s (*).

indy0077 you are super sweet, thanks! :slight_smile:

Hmm… when I pasted the code in the htaccess my "add to cart’ button stops working…it redirects me to / Any idea what to do?

[quote name=‘DonLuigi’]Hmm… when I pasted the code in the htaccess my "add to cart’ button stops working…it redirects me to / Any idea what to do?[/quote]

Try to clear the cache. Delete all files in /var/cache/ and all files and folders in /var/compiled/

Indy my robots.txt only has this…

should I change to be like the one in your post.

User-agent: *

Disallow: /images/

Disallow: /skins/

Disallow: /payments/

Disallow: /admin.php

Disallow: /store_closed.html

Disallow: /core/

Disallow: /lib/

Disallow: /install/

Disallow: /js/


You can use this one:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /addons/
Disallow: /controllers/
Disallow: /core/
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /js/
Disallow: /lib/
Disallow: /payments/
Disallow: /schemas/
Disallow: /shippings/
Disallow: /skins/
Disallow: /var/
Disallow: /admin.php
Disallow: /config.php
Disallow: /config.local.php
Disallow: /init.php
Disallow: /prepare.php
Disallow: /store_closed.html
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=checkout.cart
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=tags.summary
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=profiles.add
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=orders.search
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=auth.login_form&return_url=
Disallow: /index.php?dispatch=auth.recover_password
Sitemap: http://www.yourdomain.xx/sitemap.xml

  1. Of course the sitemap path have to be modified to yours.
  2. If you want your images to be indexed by Google then delete the line “Disallow: /images/”

Great Thnks


Thanks for the suggestion Indy, but nothing happened. I have cleared the both directories and my add to cart button still is redirecting me to my home page. I think that I know the answer, but I don’t know how to fix it. My settings are when somebody hit add to cart it goes to the cart page (which has index.php symbol in the address /index.php?dispatch=checkout.cart. May be this cause the redirection. Do you have any idea what I can do?

Thanks for the interst in answering questions :slight_smile:

[quote name=‘DonLuigi’]Thanks for the suggestion Indy, but nothing happened. I have cleared the both directories and my add to cart button still is redirecting me to my home page. I think that I know the answer, but I don’t know how to fix it. My settings are when somebody hit add to cart it goes to the cart page (which has index.php symbol in the address /index.php?dispatch=checkout.cart. May be this cause the redirection. Do you have any idea what I can do?

Thanks for the interst in answering questions :)[/quote]

You’re right, I tried several combinations of .htaccess code but none one of the rewrite mod’s was working with the “Add to cart” function. Also I updated my post.