Do I need a License for a dev-test server?

We bought one license for a production server. However, we are planning to use a testing cart on a local server (for testing updates and such).

How well demo is suited for this?

What is your proposed solution?

You can have as many development accounts as you require. The only exception is that the general public must not have access to the website.

Is a dev license something I must ask for to be issued or I just continue to use demo for my needs? I am not sure if the demo expires ever…

Well, what is the procedure?

The procedure is install the software and use your current license and make sure the public does not have access to it.

OK, easy enough.

Ok, what if I want to run multiple CS-Carts in demo modes [special mode], do I still need a license for each one? Say, I want to show off some skins…