Display 2 columns on category page - mobile! Old version

Good evening

I need your help regarding the display of 2 products per category for mobile.

I have version 4.7 which I don’t want to change because it works well, the customers are satisfied but I can’t align the 2 products on the page.

I managed to make 2 products on the page from 1 product with this css

@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
.ty-column4 {
width: 50%;

But the problem is that some products are not lined up well.

The theme is VIVA SHOP (I tried to talk to them but they said they didn’t have time)

I also attached a picture…

Thank you!

It looks ok for me. Have you managed to fix the issue?


I fix it but it seems like the page is loading slower…the image in the category page.


That’s right, on mobile the images are more difficult to load when there are 2 per row

Does anyone know why, and how to fix it?

Thank you!


That’s right, on mobile the images are more difficult to load when there are 2 per row

Does anyone know why, and how to fix it?

Thank you!


Does anyone know why, and how to fix it?

It is required to examine issue on your server

Can we help me?

I discussed with the people from cs-cart and they answered me like this:

I have managed to reproduce the problem with loading images only when you first open a category page, then when scrolling the images just appear (I attached a screencast to this message).

I checked the source code of one of the images:

<img class="ty-pict vs_lazy_mobile" id="det_img_415" src="" data-src="https://www.gardenfarm.ro/images/thumbnails/350/250/detailed/22/cropmax_foliar_k3ct-4m.jpg" style="max-height:250px; " width="350" height="250" alt="cropmax 20 ml" title="cropmax 20 ml">

The image of 1 transparent pixel is placed in the src attribute. The link to the image itself is located in the data-src attribute. As the page scrolls, src already has the link to the image, thus the image appears:

<img class="ty-pict" id="det_img_415" src="https://www.gardenfarm.ro/images/thumbnails/350/250/detailed/22/cropmax_foliar_k3ct-4m.jpg" style="max-height:250px; " width="350" height="250" alt="cropmax 20 ml" title="cropmax 20 ml">

Apparently, this structure is due to the operation of vs_lazy_mobile which replaces the src and data-src attributes with places as the user scrolls the page, thereby loading images only when they are in the scope of the browser window.

For testing purposes I temporarily renamed the design/themes/energot/templates/common/image.tpl file (in order for the code in it not to work) and the problem with loading images disappeared.

Mobile lazy loading is added by a third-party theme used in your store. Please contact the theme developers regarding this issue as I’m afraid we don’t provide support for third-party themes, add-ons or modifications "

And those who sold me the theme do not have time to help me.
