Dev Store

you need to install apache mod_rewrite and configure it correctly. have hudrends of guides for each distro (centos, ubuntu ...).

pay attention to .htaccess files also if you have any modifications on the live server that you have copied it

Without knowing all the details, my guess is that the process you used is flawed or that you made an error in the process. I create dev sites all the time and don't experience those problems/issues.

Without knowing all the details, my guess is that the process you used is flawed or that you made an error in the process. I create dev sites all the time and don't experience those problems/issues.

Hello, I followed this guide exactly to make the dev site:

What would be the easiest and quickest way for me to transfer all of the changes I've made from my dev store to my live store? Is there a way I can install UniTheme on the live store and then "copy" across the changes or files?

Or would I just need to go through it and make the changes one-by-one? I'm open to doing this if this is the preferred method, but I have around ~50 changes to make then.