Detailed image without popup

Hello all,

I want to display the product detailed image on the products detail page, without the popup, just the full size image…

I tried few things such as: but that isn’t working so far…

Can anyone help me, and provide this simple code?

Thanks in advance!

My question exactly. (Maybe my adding to this request will increase its urgency?)


You can do this in skins/youskin/product/components/product_images.tpl by setting

[QUOTE]{include file=“common_templates/image.tpl” obj_id=$product.product_id images=$image_pair_var object_type=“product” class=“cm-thumbnails”}[/QUOTE]

show_detailed_link as null

Is this that hard?


{$product.main_pair.detailed.http_image_path} urlencoded

Thank you for your help. Unfortunately I still can’t this get working. Tried a few thing such as:

{assign var="main_pair" value=$p.product_id|fn_get_image_pairs:"product":"M"}

Please do someone know what I’m missing?

Thank you.

Try to remove whole 1st line that has ‘assign’

Already tried that, no result. Is that working for you?

Thank you


Open file

skins\your template\customer\blocks\list_templates\details_page.tpl

and find the following code


{include file="views/products/components/product_images.tpl" product=$product show_detailed_link="Y"}

Replace it with

{include file="views/products/components/product_images.tpl" product=$product show_detailed_link="N"}


Now, in your Product's Detail Page you will not get Any link to Show Large Image
