Default Selection When Adding New Product


I’m trying to make the “sign up for notification” as the default ‘out of stock action’ selection when adding a new product. I tried re-arranging the option (clear cache) but “none” remains the default. Any help on how to do this is appreciated.


<option value=“S” {if $product_data.out_of_stock_actions == “S”}selected=“selected”{/if}>{(“sign_up_for_notification”)}

<option value=“N” {if $product_data.out_of_stock_actions == “N”}selected=“selected”{/if}>{

<option value=“B” {if $product_data.out_of_stock_actions == “B”}selected=“selected”{/if}>{__(“buy_in_advance”)}

I’m using 4.0.3

Have you cleared the cache by adding &cc&ctpl?

you know what…I made sure i cleared the cache before posting. but thanks for the sanity check, clearing the cache just now did the trick. thanks!