Deafult Shipping For All Locations

I have various locations/states/countries set up for shipping, and also have various manual shipping companies set up.

I have to change the shipping charges for each location every time there is a change in costs for one shipper. Is there a way to apply shipping costs, to one shipper and for it to apply to ALL shipping locations at the same time instead of going in each locations and re typing the same costs.

clone/duplicate etc even



Unfortunately, there is no such ability

CSC shipping mechanism needs some work

Addon that extends the update to the shipping costs could certainly be built that would apply the change to other locations within the method. I.e.

method = My Shipping

Loc1: $20

Loc2: $12

Loc3: $32

Update Loc1 to be $25 ($5 increment)

Loc2 becomes: $17

Loc3 becomes $37

Or you could just create a page where you would specify a delta for change ($5, $-2, 3%) and then select what shipping method to apply it to and all the locations would be adjusted by that amount. This seems like the most straightforward and error tolerant approach.

Lots of options.

Sorry, don't know the keyboard mapping for Pounds so you'll have to accept my $$!!! :-)

Sorry, don't know the keyboard mapping for Pounds so you'll have to accept my $$!!! :-)

£ - Alt 0163

€ - Alt 0128