Customer Shipping Option

I am in need of giving the customer the ability to ship using their own shipping number. All other shipping options are correctly using UPS getting rates automatically. Is there an addon or modification that would give the customer customer the option of “Use my own shipping number (Fedex or UPS only)” and then they enter their own shipper number?

We are already capturing a “Need By Date” so we would use this to best determine what method to deliver their products.


V 3.0.6

Create a “Cart Promotion” called “Ship Collect on Acct.” using Free Shipping and select “UPS Collect” after you make a new Shipping Method that is called “UPS Collect” etc… then ask them to put their UPS/FEDEX Collect acct. in the comment field and also add a “Shipping Collect Account No.” field in the customer sign-up form. see