Customer addon -> template not rendering


I have purchased CS-Cart recently, I am trying to create a custom add-on. I have copied the structure of the “banners” add-on: I duplicated the content from skins/basic/admin/addons/banners, skins/basic/customer/addons/banners and addons/banners to skins/basic/admin/addons/cassette_carousel skins/basic/customers/addons/cassette_carousel and addons/cassette_carousel respectively.

I have all of the back end working with no problems. I renamed all the functions within the addons/cassette_carousel/func.php to remove “redeclare php errors” and I have created 2 new tables that the banners addon uses and changed all the references in all the files to point to these tables and I have also updated every reference that points to the banners add-on to the new carousel addon.

My Problem is I cannot get the frontend template to render at all. I have no idea what is happening.

I have printed a log of my smarty debug below.

Smarty Debug Console

included templates & config files (load time in seconds)

index.tpl (0.34228) (total)

main.tpl (0.33461)


views/categories/components/menu_items.tpl (0.00487)

views/categories/components/menu_items.tpl (0.00060)

views/categories/components/menu_items.tpl (0.00084)

views/categories/components/menu_items.tpl (0.00050)

views/categories/components/menu_items.tpl (0.00058)

views/categories/components/menu_items.tpl (0.00046)

views/categories/components/menu_items.tpl (0.00050)

views/categories/components/menu_items.tpl (0.00050)











blocks/list_templates/small_items.tpl (0.03452)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00762)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00032)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00607)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00027)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00586)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00031)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00582)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00027)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00606)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00031)






top.tpl (0.01257)

top_menu.tpl (0.00142)

top_menu.tpl (0.00069)

views/auth/login_form.tpl (0.00227)

buttons/login.tpl (0.00099)

common_templates/search.tpl (0.00246)

views/checkout/components/cart_status.tpl (0.00394)

addons/gift_certificates/hooks/index/ (0.00115)









blocks/product_list_templates/products.tpl (0.03121)

blocks/list_templates/products_list.tpl (0.03082)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.02782)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00135)

addons/discussion/views/discussion/components/average_rating.tpl (0.00102)

views/products/components/product_options.tpl (0.01731)



blocks/list_templates/small_list.tpl (0.05071)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00795)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00030)

buttons/add_to_cart.tpl (0.00137)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00798)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00032)

buttons/add_to_cart.tpl (0.00149)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00759)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00034)

buttons/add_to_cart.tpl (0.00137)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00776)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00033)

buttons/add_to_cart.tpl (0.00151)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00741)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00029)

buttons/add_to_cart.tpl (0.00140)

common_templates/product_data.tpl (0.00734)

addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl (0.00028)

buttons/add_to_cart.tpl (0.00141)


bottom.tpl (0.00436)

common_templates/search.tpl (0.00226)

assigned template variables

{$SESS_ID} “0769d395c19eeefd4f9af93f2d2df6d6”

{$_REQUEST} Array (1)

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{$action} “”

{$addons} Array (35)

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trns_class => “Website:Retail”

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accnt_shipping => “Sales:Shipping”

accnt_discount => “Sales:Discount”

accnt_surcharge => “Sales:Surcharge”

accnt_asset => “Inventory Asset”

accnt_cogs => “Cost of Goods Sold”

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rma => Array (2)

status => “D”

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referer => “…”

{$blocks} Array (25)

36 => Array (13)

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status => “A”

properties => Array (6)

list_object => “cassette_carousel”

fillings => “manually”

appearances => “addons/cassette_carousel/blocks/origi…”

wrapper => “”

width => “”

width_unit => “P”

company_id => “”

description => “C”

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description => “Shopping options”

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disabled_locations => “”

status => “A”

properties => Array (4)

hide_add_to_cart_button => “Y”

appearances => “addons/hot_deals_block/blocks/hot_dea…”

list_object => “products”

fillings => “manually”

company_id => “”

description => “Hot Deals”

item_ids => “742,829,836,745,749,744,743,1527,1526…”

assigned => “Y”

object_id => “home_page”

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14 => Array (13)

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status => “A”

properties => Array (6)

list_object => “mailing_lists”

rewrite_positions => “N”

appearances => “addons/news_and_emails/blocks/subscri…”

wrapper => “blocks/wrappers/sidebox_general.tpl”

width => “”

width_unit => “P”

company_id => “”

description => “Mailing lists”

item_ids => “”

assigned => “Y”

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25 => Array (13)

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appearances => “blocks/products.tpl”

fillings => “manually”

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company_id => “”

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item_ids => “1498”

assigned => “Y”

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10 => Array (13)

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status => “A”

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15 => Array (13)

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item_number => “N”

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17 => Array (13)

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disabled_locations => “”

status => “A”

properties => Array (2)

wrapper => “blocks/wrappers/sidebox_general.tpl”

list_object => “addons/discussion/blocks/testimonials…”

company_id => “”

description => “Testimonials”

item_ids => “”

assigned => “Y”

object_id => “home_page”

group_id => “2”

1 => Array (12)

block_id => “1”

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4 => Array (12)

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block_order => “V”

wrapper => “”

company_id => “”

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item_ids => “”

assigned => “Y”

object_id => “all_pages”

5 => Array (12)

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status => “A”

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block_order => “H”

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company_id => “”

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assigned => “Y”

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6 => Array (12)

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company_id => “”

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item_ids => “”

assigned => “Y”

object_id => “product_id”

{$breadcrumbs} Array (1)

0 => Array (2)

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1 => “php3”

2 => “pl”

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5 => “bat”

6 => “cgi”

7 => “htaccess”

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0 => “text/x-php”

1 => “application/octet-stream”

2 => “text/x-perl”

3 => “text/x-python”

4 => “text/x-shellscript”

secure_controllers => Array (7)

0 => “checkout”

1 => “payment_notification”

2 => “auth”

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4 => “image_verification”

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6 => “pages”

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db_user => “root”

db_password => “root”

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http_host => “”

http_path => “/”

https_host => “”

https_path => “/”

admin_index => “admin.php”

customer_index => “index.php”

vendor_index => “vendor.php”

demo_mode => “”

tweaks => Array (7)

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https_location => “…”

current_location => “…”

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{$images_dir} “/…”

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{$ldelim} “{”

{$localizations} Array (0)

{$location_data} Array (3)

page_title => “Shopping Cart Software & Ecom…”

meta_description => “Secure and full-featured Online Shopp…”

meta_keywords => “shopping cart, software, ecommerce so…”

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Customer_logo => Array (4)

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{$mode} “index”

{$navigation} “”

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19 => Array (3)

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8 => Array (3)

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param => “index.php?dispatch=pages.view&amp…”

descr => “About Us”

7 => Array (3)

param_id => “7”

param => “index.php?dispatch=pages.view&amp…”

descr => “Contact Us”

20 => Array (3)

param_id => “20”

param => “index.php?dispatch=gift_certificates.add”

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21 => Array (3)

param_id => “21”

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22 => Array (3)

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{$rdelim} “}”

{$s_companies} Array (2)

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company => “All suppliers”

0 => Array (3)

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{$s_company} “all”

{$secondary_currency} “AU”

{$settings} Array (23)

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default_city => “Boston”

default_country => “US”

default_state => “MA”

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secure_checkout => “N”

secure_admin => “N”

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inventory_tracking => “Y”

debugging_console => “Y”

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redirect_to_cart => “N”

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address_position => “billing_first”

Logging => Array (7)

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create => “Y”

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update => “Y”

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optimize => “Y”

errors => “Y”

log_type_requests => Array (1)

http => “Y”

Suppliers => Array (3)

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thumbnails_gallery => “Y”

quantity_changer => “N”

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calendar_date_format => “month_first”

calendar_week_format => “monday_first”

default_products_layout => “products_grid”

save_selected_layout => “Y”

default_products_layout_templates => “products=Y&products_grid=Y&am…”

default_product_details_layout => “default_template”

changes_warning => “Y”

show_menu_descriptions => “Y”

Company => Array (18)

company_state => “MA”

company_city => “Boston”

company_address => “44 Main street”

company_phone => “6175556985”

company_phone_2 => “”

company_fax => “”

company_name => “Simbirsk Technologies Ltd”

company_website => “

company_zipcode => “02116”

company_country => “US”

company_users_department => “

company_site_administrator => “

company_orders_department => “

company_support_department => “

company_newsletter_email => “

company_start_year => “2004”

company_country_descr => “United States”

company_state_descr => “Massachusetts”

Shippings => Array (3)

disable_shipping => “N”

can_enabled => “N”

swisspost_enabled => “N”

skin_name_admin => “basic”

skin_name_customer => “basic”

show_menu_mouseover => “N”

DHTML => Array (4)

customer_ajax_based_pagination => “Y”

admin_ajax_based_pagination => “Y”

ajax_add_to_cart => “Y”

ajax_comparison_list => “Y”

Reports => Array (4)

day => “%a, %b %e”

week => “%U, %b”

month => “%B”

year => “%Y”

Thumbnails => Array (17)

jpeg_quality => “80”

convert_to => “original”

thumbnail_background_color => “#ffffff

product_lists_thumbnail_width => “120”

product_lists_thumbnail_height => “”

product_details_thumbnail_width => “120”

product_details_thumbnail_height => “”

product_detailed_image_width => “”

product_detailed_image_height => “”

product_cart_thumbnail_width => “120”

product_cart_thumbnail_height => “”

category_lists_thumbnail_width => “120”

category_lists_thumbnail_height => “”

category_details_thumbnail_width => “120”

category_details_thumbnail_height => “”

category_detailed_image_width => “”

category_detailed_image_height => “”

gift_registry_next_check => “1299789068”

lh_visitor_data_last_clean => “1160220364”

Image_verification => Array (10)

use_for_login => “Y”

use_for_register => “Y”

use_for_form_builder => “Y”

use_for_send_to_friend => “Y”

use_for_discussion => “Y”

use_for_checkout => “Y”

hide_if_logged => “Y”

use_for_polls => “Y”

use_for_track_orders => “N”

hide_after_validation => “Y”

cart_products_next_check => “1315222402”

translation_mode => “N”

customization_mode => “N”

store_mode => “opened”

Security => Array (5)

min_admin_password_length => “5”

admin_passwords_must_contain_mix => “N”

change_admin_password_on_first_login => “N”

admin_password_expiration_period => “0”

cron_password => “MYPASS”

send_feedback => “1317412800”

store_optimization => “dev”

hd_request_code => “2855521622”

{$skin_area} “customer”

{$top_menu} Array (5)

23 => Array (13)

param_id => “23”

param_2 => “index”

param_3 => “”

param_4 => “”

param_5 => “”

status => “A”

position => “1”

parent_id => “0”

id_path => “”

subitems => Array (0)

item => “Home”

href => “index.php”

selected => “1”

24 => Array (12)

param_id => “24”

param_2 => “categories.catalog, categories.view, …”

param_3 => “”

param_4 => “”

param_5 => “”

status => “A”

position => “2”

parent_id => “0”

id_path => “”

subitems => Array (0)

item => “Catalog”

href => “index.php?dispatch=categories.catalog”

25 => Array (12)

param_id => “25”

param_2 => “profiles, auth, orders, tags.summary,…”

param_3 => “”

param_4 => “”

param_5 => “”

status => “A”

position => “3”

parent_id => “0”

id_path => “”

subitems => Array (0)

item => “My Account”

href => “index.php?dispatch=profiles.update”

26 => Array (12)

param_id => “26”

param_2 => “checkout”

param_3 => “”

param_4 => “”

param_5 => “”

status => “A”

position => “4”

parent_id => “0”

id_path => “”

subitems => Array (0)

item => “View cart”

href => “index.php?dispatch=checkout.cart”

27 => Array (12)

param_id => “27”

param_2 => “pages”

param_3 => “A:0:Y”

param_4 => “left”

param_5 => “”

status => “A”

position => “100”

parent_id => “0”

id_path => “27”

subitems => Array (4)

0 => Array (4)

param_4 => “left”

new_window => “0”

item => “About our company”

href => “pages.view?page_id=3”

1 => Array (4)

param_4 => “left”

new_window => “0”

item => “Contact us”

href => “pages.view?page_id=1”

2 => Array (4)

param_4 => “left”

new_window => “0”

item => “Poll of the week”

href => “pages.view?page_id=4”

3 => Array (4)

param_4 => “left”

new_window => “0”

item => “What is CS-Cart?”

href => “pages.view?page_id=2”

item => “Company”

href => “index.php?dispatch=pages.view&amp…”

{$user_info} Array (7)

user_id => “1”

user_login => “admin”

company_id => “0”

firstname => “Admin”

lastname => “Admin”

email => “

user_type => “A”

assigned config file variables (outer template scope)

{#files#} Array (0)

{#vars#} Array (0)

Here is a copy of the record from cscart_blocks table too:

40 B all_pages A a:6:{s:11:“list_object”;s:17:“cassette_carousel”;s:8:“fillings”;s:8:“manually”;s:11:“appearances”;s:53:“addons/cassette_carousel/blocks/original_carousel.tpl”;s:7:“wrapper”;s:0:“”;s:5:“width”;s:0:“”;s:10:“width_unit”;s:1:“P”;}

Could someone shed some light for me please.


Hi from Donetsk, to display a template add-on that should be a necessary function in the file func.php (fn_get_“name of your addon folder”), in May cases it fn_get_ajax_filter


function fn_get_ajax_filter()


return “ds”;


The return must necessarily feature at least one character

see that the path had been prescribed correctly, and the addon has been active

Do not forget to make the block in admin

is very important file addon_name\schemas\block_manager\

the contents

$schema['ajax_filter'] = array (

'fillings' => array (

'ajax_filter' => array ()


'appearances' => array (

'addons/ajax_filter/blocks/ajax_filter.tpl' => array (

'conditions' => array (

'fillings' => array ('ajax_filter')





if you need help my ICQ: 222277803

i by in time 09:00/18:00 +2GTM

Cheers! Thanks very much for the help!