Continue Link On Sign In / Sign Out

V4 is placing a blank white page with a “continue” link between each Sign In or Sign Out. It lasts for approximately 10 seconds and then continues automatically. SSL is enabled for signing in.

I think it did the same thing after Registering a new account. Also an SSL enabled page.

V3 never did this.

Is this normal behavior for v4?

I’d like to get rid of it.

[quote name='Magpie Don' timestamp='1402596893' post='185619']

V4 is placing a blank white page with a “continue” link between each Sign In or Sign Out. It lasts for approximately 10 seconds and then continues automatically. SSL is enabled for signing in.

I think it did the same thing after Registering a new account. Also an SSL enabled page.

V3 never did this.

Is this normal behavior for v4?

I'd like to get rid of it.


No, it is not normal. It looks like something is flushing to the browser. Start from disabling custom add-ons