CLS loading issue

Ive been getting some cls warnings from google, and thought Id start to fix them, and one of the reported issues is this,

can anyone tell me what this is/controls and can I alter the CLS loading timeof it somehow


I’m no expert but I will offer my opinion on CLS through my experience using responsive theme.

I have only noticed lower CLS on mobile (it’s always 100% on desktop) but mine hasn’t been low enough to get warnings. Server setup has some to do with it because I have notice changes in CLS with different setups but not huge differences. However, I think the main reason for lower CLS is due to responsive themes because of the adjustments made (to mobile view) during loading. So in my opinion, the only way to get lower CLS on a mobile is to either have less elements (so adjustment doesn’t take as long) or to have a stand alone mobile theme.


Mine is ok mobile but slightly high on desktop

Forgot to mention but cart cache has some to do with it as well.

In Pagespeed Insights, look at “Avoid large layout shifts” to see what’s taking a long time to load.