Checkout - One Field For Name And Surname Fix


is there any chance that cs-cart team will provide some kind of validator for Name and Surname field in checkout.

After the upgrade to new checkout we've noticed that about 10% of all of our orders lack surname. We end up calling the customers in order to get the surname or we have problems with shipping companies and integrations with payment gateways.

Probably it's due to the habit of having it in separate fields or maybe some kind of autocomplete mechanisms which are often used by people.

In my country there is no option to have one name and unfortunately, neither Madonna, Cher, Bono, Bjork nor Eminem shop in our store.

It would help a lot to have it in separate fields or provide some kind of validator to check if there are at least 2 words in this field.

Thanks in advance to cs-cart team for the quick help as usual. Hopefully you will provide some kind of fix before 2030 :-)
