Checkout/Cart Header

Anybody know what file to edit/or remove to have the header changed or rather removed from the cart/checkout pages.

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

try looking at top.tpl

What code should I add to top.tpl so I can insert some new html code for a different header for cart/checkout process.

Let me know, and thanks!

pretty much the whole file draws the header, if you look at the include in the index.tpl you will see it - you can remove the include and it will kill the whole header… or you can make another template to replace it - and rename it - then just call this include instead of the top.tpl

you need to add somethign conditional for the page you want to show differnt header … somthing like the following … to the index page…

{if $content ==“checkout”}

{include file="newtop.tpl"}


To clarify xmivite’s response:

  1. Create a new file with your own HTML header and name it newtop.tpl.
  2. Place it inside the “/skins/CLIENT_SKIN/customer/” directory.
  3. Edit “/skins/CLIENT_SKIN/customer/index.tpl” and change the following code:


{include file="top.tpl"}




{if $content == "checkout"}
{include file="newtop.tpl"}
{include file="top.tpl"}


Thanks guys, worked it out with a new header.