Changing Product SKU text in {$smarty.capture.$sku}

On a product page the product name and then the SKU below it is displayed as “[color=#2C2B2B][font=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]CODE: [/size][/font][/color][color=#2C2B2B][font=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]B00024848Y”[/size][/font][/color]. I found the template controlling this page here: /skins/basic/customer/blocks/product_templates/default_template.tpl and the code displaying the sku as: {assign var=“sku” value=“sku_$obj_id”}{$smarty.capture.$sku}

How can I change the sku to be displayed as “Item #: B00024848Y” basically replacing “CODE:” with “Item #”? What is the recommend way of making this type of change to make future upgrade easier?

I see that this code is embedded within a hook {hook name=“products:view_main_info”} Seems like I could either edit this template to change the display to directly output the $sku with my own preceding text, or I could figure out where the $smart.capture.$sku is being done and fix the preceding CODE: text at that early point.