Change The Default Location In Administration/shipping/locations

Hi, in the Locations section of the Administration/Shipping& taxes, I have a place to where I don't ship (it's disabled and all) instead of the shop's default location, but it does not allow me to delete that location, is it possible to make my Country the default one so that I can delete the one that is now set by default?

Thank you!

Not quite following.... You should be able to delete any location you have setup.

I did not setup the locations, I had an upgrade made a few monts ago and just now I noticed that, but no, it does not let me delet it :?

I did not setup the locations, I had an upgrade made a few monts ago and just now I noticed that, but no, it does not let me delet it :?

You can it in another way. Create new location and set up it according to your needs. Then go to default location and delete all rates from it. In this case only new location will work.

I already had about 9 locations. From the default one all the shipping fees are gone, still nothing...

I already had about 9 locations. From the default one all the shipping fees are gone, still nothing...

What do you mean by "still nothing" ? Customers from this locations have available shipping methods?

No no, they cannot see shipping methods anymore, what I wanted to do was to be able to make the default one "Spain" for example.