Categories Display Only One Characteristic

Hello, please tell me how to display only one characteristic on the category page.
In the app/controllers/frontend/categories file.php replaced
'get_features' = > false
'get_features' = > true
Data appears in $product.product_features
At this point, the paste feature so
{include file= " views/products/components / product_features_short_list.tpl " features=$product.product_features feature_image=true}
Please tell me how in the data array $product.product_features display only one characteristic of the brand.


Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста как на странице категорий вывести только одну характеристику.
В файле app/controllers/frontend/categories.php заменили
'get_features' => false
'get_features' => true
Появляются данные в $product.product_features
В данный момент вставляем характеристику таким образом
{include file="views/products/components/product_features_short_list.tpl" features=$product.product_features feature_image=true}
Подскажите пожалуйста как в массиве данных $product.product_features вывести только одну характеристику бренда.


Did you try to enable Show in product list setting for the required product feature only?

Did you try to enable Show in product list setting for the required product feature only?

Thanks, that's what we wanted. Thanks for help!

You are welcome!