Cart-Power Add-On: Shipping And Payment Restrictions

Dear friends!

We have updated our Shipping and Payments Restrictions add-on!

In the new version 2.5 from December 08 2022 we have implemented the next list of changes:

[+] - The ability to set availability periods for shipping methods was added.

[+] - The ability to restrict payment methods for vendor's products was added.

[!] - The setting “Work mode for category restrictions: Take from all categories” was working incorrectly. Fixed.

[!] - The add-on worked incorrectly with the add-on CP: Checkout by vendor enabled. Fixed.


- CS-Cart version 4.2.x - 4.16.x;

- Multi-Vendor version 4.2.x - 4.16.x;

Official add-on page


Feel free to contact us if any questions arise.

Best regards,