Cart Emptying

Why would this happen? A customer adds products to their cart but when they go to checkout, the cart shows as empty?

We have also seen this behaviour but its random, clearing the cache of browser helps resolve it.

We have also seen this behaviour but its random, clearing the cache of browser helps resolve it.

Hey thanks for the suggestion, however it did not help with the problem. Any other ideas? Thanks

the problem is related to SESSION data (either USER_AGENT or IP) or more general SESSION problems like inability to store the session. There are many possible causes so no one can provide you a general solution that will fit all cases.

There are a couple of defines in config.php that you can change to see if it alters the behavior. If so, then you're home free but at the same time you've made your site more vulnerable to "session hijacking" (ability for one use to act as another).

i'm guessing you've done the obvious of clearing both your site cache and the cookies in your browser related to your site.