Cannot Access Store After Upgrade

Dear all,

Today, my friend upgrade cscart to new version from notice.

After upgrage, store stop, frontend show:


Access manage.php, show:



Storage: undefined storage type - assets

Error at

app/Tygh/Storage.php, line: 45


File: app/functions/fn.common.php Line: 5300 Function: instance File: app/addons/energothemes_ie9fix/func.php Line: 14 Function: fn_merge_styles File: app/functions/fn.control.php Line: 144 Function: fn_energothemes_ie9fix_styles_block_files File: app/functions/smarty_plugins/block.styles.php Line: 50 Function: fn_set_hook File: var/cache/templates/backend/809cd530c4d022ee59c94b2beee961df81eaa2c3.tygh.styles.tpl.php Line: 47 Function: smarty_block_styles File: app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php Line: 188 Function: content_5585483a0ceaf3_40142354 File: app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php Line: 304 Function: fetch File: var/cache/templates/backend/77f3a9901767eb3dba9d719f672e371ae972a100.tygh.index.tpl.php Line: 55 Function: getSubTemplate File: app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php Line: 188 Function: content_5585483a04c5b5_81714725 File: app/Tygh/SmartyEngine/Core.php Line: 70 Function: fetch File: app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php Line: 394 Function: fetch File: app/Tygh/SmartyEngine/Core.php Line: 54 Function: display File: app/functions/fn.control.php Line: 611 Function: display File: manage.php Line: 27 Function: fn_dispatch

How to fix or revert to previos version

Please open the config.local.php file and replace:

$config['storage'] = array(
'images' => array(
'prefix' => 'images',
'dir' => $config['dir']['root'],
'cdn' => true


$config['storage'] = array(
'images' => array(
'prefix' => 'images',
'dir' => $config['dir']['root'],
'cdn' => true
'assets' => array(
'dir' => & $config['dir']['cache_misc'],
'prefix' => 'assets',
'cdn' => true

Just got to love upgrading CSC! For those interested, there were 2 changes made in /config.local.php from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 so you may want to check to make sure the changes were made.

The first one is for those experiencing image problems:


'image_resize_lib' => 'gd', // library to resize images - gd or imagick,


'image_resize_lib' => 'auto', // library to resize images - "auto", "gd" or "imagick"

The second is what ecom pointed out.


'statics' => array(
'dir' => & $config['dir']['cache_misc'],
'prefix' => 'statics',
'cdn' => true


'assets' => array(
'dir' => & $config['dir']['cache_misc'],
'prefix' => 'assets',
'cdn' => true