Can't Access {$Cart_Products} From Select_Shipping Hook


I have a problem with accessing cart_products variable through select_shipping hook.

I can see all available variables on checkout page via debuger but when I add

{$cart_products | @print_r}

in design/themes/responsive/templates/addons/my_changes/hooks/checkout/ I get an error.

Is there any easy way to print all avaialable smarty variables?

Best regards,


You can use


Hope it contains all necessary information

Thank you, it works!

I have another problem, I have a function defined in app/addons/my_changes/func.php and I want to call it from smarty template and assign it's return value to a smarty variable. I'm looking at the docs and can't find any examples. Thank you in advance!

fn_my_changes_bla_bla_bla($cart.products) {
    // Logic
   return $value;

Please use

{$data = $cart.products|fn_my_changes_bla_bla_bla}

$data variable will contain response returned by custom function

And if you don't want $data displayed but want to use it as data, then use the 'assign' tag with var="data" value=....

And if you don't want $data displayed but want to use it as data, then use the 'assign' tag with var="data" value=....

Actually, the mentioned code will not output any data

Please use

{$data = $cart.products|fn_my_changes_bla_bla_bla}

$data variable will contain response returned by custom function

Thank you eComLabs, it works! I have another problem: Now I can display {$data} on checkout page. I've added estimated_delivery_date column to cscart_orders and I want to save it to db when customer submits the order.

I've tried adding following code in but it doesn't work.


Thank you very much once again!

Sorry for asking so many questions, I'm new to addon developement and

I suggest you to use pre checkout hook. If this data is received, just add it to the cart array. E.g.

if (!empty($_REQUEST['estimated_delivery_date'])) {
    $_SESSION['cart']['estimated_delivery_date'] = $_REQUEST['estimated_delivery_date'];

(!) Not tested