Call Request Can't Be As Product Order

When a customer give Call Request from the site without their email address it can't be placed as order. If the customer give both phone number and email address then it looks ok. The problem is that most of our customer give only the phone number then we call and mostly placed order finally. Now when the customer placed order then we need to entry details manually again.

Is it possible to enable the Call Request without email address as placed as product order? If not possible how to make email address as mandatory field with the Call request option.






It will make e-mail field mandatory

Or modify func.php file of this addon to generate fake e-mail address if it is not filled by the customer

Can't find the file call_requests_content.tpl nowhere even with the direction


Check parent theme:


Changed the file accordingly but unfortunately it has no reflection to that call request option. Still the form is being submitted same as earlier. check here:

Aattaching the changed tpl file

Also want to make mandatory field both phone number and email in call request form.

In source code I do not see new class, try to remove the var/cache directory manually

To make phone field mandatory, just add the cm-required class to corresponding label

Also want to make mandatory field both phone number and email in call request form.

Regarding mandatory phone field, try to replace this code:


with this one:
