Buy In Part Of Product Price?

Please, Is there a way to let the customer buy the product in part of product price only?
For example I have Art Panel with $100.
I want to let the customer buy it either by whole product price or book it by $20 only and then he will pay the remaining price on delivery.
I tried using an option (such as check box to reduce the price) but it's not suitable if you want a fixed part of price (ex. $20) and at the same time you have many different options and prices.
Also, I tried using "Ask customer to enter the price" but it's used only for zero price action while I want the product price visible to the customers.

I am afraid, it is not possible on the clean installation.

As alternative, you can add new product option (e.g. Book this product) with the negative option modifier.

I am afraid, it is not possible on the clean installation.

As alternative, you can add new product option (e.g. Book this product) with the negative option modifier.

Thank you eComLabs for replay.