Browser Caching Problem

Some times after placing orders and again add items to shopping cart from products page and then go to the cart page cart is showing empty, but after refresh product is showing, I think browser caching pages. So Is there a method to fix this issue, Please help me

How can i disable browser caching for cart, checkout and profile pages?

Cart info is stored in the SESSION (server), not browser. And I don't believe any major browsers cache SESSION data.

The SESSION[cart] is cleared when the order is 'placed' (gets an order_id). So if an order has been placed and you can still see the cart contents, then there's a bug somewhere or you have an addon that is interfering with the checkout process that is misbehaving.

no mate i find solutions with your another post. its show cart empty some times with out order

no mate i find solutions with your another post. its show cart empty some times with out order

Please provide a link to the post since I don't understand your response.

So your issue was that the IP of your customer was changing after they logged in?