Breadcrumbs Questions

My breadcrumbs are too long, due to deep categories and long product titles. Is there a way to just show the category path and not the product title. Removing the page title is [COLOR=“Red”]red[/COLOR]

Home > Office Supplies > Binders & Binding Supplies > Pocket Display Systems Counter/Floor/Wall [COLOR=“Red”]> Durable®: High-capacity rotary display system, 50 color tabs inserts, 50 panels/100 sheets[/COLOR]

In common_templates/breadcrumbs.tpl change this:


{* $Id: breadcrumbs.tpl 3749 2007-08-27 11:58:55Z zeke $ *}

{if $breadcrumbs && $breadcrumbs|@sizeof > 1}

{if $text}



{if $hide_home != 'Y'}{/if}
{foreach from=$breadcrumbs item="bc" name="bcn" key="key"}
{if $key != "0"}{/if}
{if $}


to this:
{* $Id: breadcrumbs.tpl 3749 2007-08-27 11:58:55Z zeke $ *}
{if $breadcrumbs && $breadcrumbs|@sizeof > 1}
{if $text}


{if $hide_home != 'Y'}{/if}
{foreach from=$breadcrumbs item="bc" name="bcn" key="key"}
{if $}

{if $key != "0"}{/if}
{if $}


Thank you :smiley: