Blog Layout Grid


Because the blog shows 10 posts per page, it is displaying them unevenly. Would there be a way to show 9 so I get 3 rows of 3?


Try to open the design/themes/THEME/templates/addons/blog/hooks/pages/page_extra.pre.tpl and replace


Possibly some additional CSS changes will be required


Because the blog shows 10 posts per page, it is displaying them unevenly. Would there be a way to show 9 so I get 3 rows of 3?

Our "Dynamic grids" addon allows to do it. It allows displaying posts in blog 3 or 4 per line. It looks like Pinterest grid.

Best regards, Alt-team.

Try to open the design/themes/THEME/templates/addons/blog/hooks/pages/page_extra.pre.tpl and replace

Possibly some additional CSS changes will be required

Hi eCom. That line to replace isn't in there. This is entire code

{if $page.description && $page.page_type == $smarty.const.PAGE_TYPE_BLOG}

{__("posted_by")}   {$}


{hook name="blog:post"}{/hook}

{if $page.main_pair}

{include file="common/image.tpl" image_width="890" image_height="304" obj_id=$page.page_id images=$page.main_pair}



EDIT - it doesn't have the

at the bottom. I put that there, please ignore,

EDIT - it doesn't have the

at the bottom. I put that there, please ignore,

Did it solve your problem?

No it doesn't :(

No it doesn't :(

But I see blog posts in 3 columns on your website

Hello eCom

Yes the page shows 3 columns but for some reason displays 10 posts per page. So one column ends up with 4 posts.

I want the page to display in 3x3 only