Better Url Structure


I would like to ask which url structure is better for Multivendor Shops.Shorter or longer.For example:


Is there at all shorter urls functionality in CS cart (

Regards! is better. You can change the url structure on the SEO addon setup.

Please, read about the SEO add-on functionality.

Best regards, Alt-team.

Their image is outdated. Now the SEO module is more flexible

CSCart seems to default to the longer urls which implies that they favour longer urls.

However, elsewhere it seems that shorter urls - without the .html are favoured. See, for example,

I am confused. I would like to hear why CSCart favours the longer urls.

So you mean longer urls are better for cs cart?

No - everyone else seems to say that shorter urls are better.

But CSCart now defaults to longer urls. I used to have short urls but changed to the CSCart default long urls because it was the new default.

Now I think I made a bad decision.

Short urls look better and most people seem to prefer them.

I want to know why CSCart changed the the default to long urls.

Also @cscartrocks, why do you say that the longer url is better?

In a SEO point of view shorter is better.


  1. on the search results pages you can see the url below the site title. The length of that is not a specific letter number, but more of a pixel length, so if you have a product with lots of “i” you get more characters, as if you have a url with lots of “o”. (you could go with 75 letters its pretty safe although) So if you have a long ulr meaning domain and then categories and the the product, you loose the product seo strength from url.
  2. Google tend to believe that url blocks that are closer to the domain name, are more important as the ones that are far on the right.
  3. Its much more easier to remember a short url as a longer one with slashes etc, although this is no more a case of use. ask you self when was the last time you typed a url by heart…
  4. All Seo ranking programms - online and offline - (Woorank, Seo Power Suite etc) will rank your site bad if you have long urls.
  5. If you wish to move a product from a category then its no big deal with category-less urls. You wont need any 301 redirections.

  6. Semantic look of url will be very hard to get (instead of url in search results you get > category )
  7. You loose the seo strength of categories in the url as most likely they have the product keyword inside

    So I think it speaks for itself. Short product urls are the best.


The real question here is whether it is worth appending “.html” to the URLs that CSCart's SEO add on generates for you. The SEO addon provides an option to do that.

I think that the answer is no - there is no point adding the .html.

I don't know why CSCart provide the option to do so.

There is no answer!

This is not a SEO signal for Google. You can make it as you like.

I would only poit out that if you have a category url ending just like a product url , you might have a problem when not having any .html . But Google is smart enough to distinct product from category and since 42x we have canonical urls so that wont be a problem.

Just poiting out.