Bed's store with Facebook App

Spanish Bed’s store at the best prices !

A full custom design for this site.

Special listing and product pages design.

Custom made CMS

A modified product configurator for integrate as options.

Special addons for remember options selected and for price matrix !

Also have made an App for Facebook to integrate one part of the catalog.

Bed’s store in FaceBook

And comming soon much more features !

Good job! I love your Facebook bridge.

Congrats, profesional work there :wink:

la hostia !!! buen trabajo .

saludo de barcelona

Very nice… Finally someone using FB as a merchant!

Well done! The facebook integration is a nice touch.

How did you pull the product data and images into FB, an xml feed?

I could say this is one of the best cs-cart site I’ve seen at the moment:

  • Product detail page feature a full image, no larger popup image required, and plenty of info on the product.
  • Two colors site, make it easy read and stay.
  • minimum header, just the logo and phone. Visitor will go direct to see product first.

    The only suggestion maybe add more banners to the front page. Too much white space lost below the actual slide banner.

    Thanks for showing your work.