Avoiding Landing Page Redirects


Just like many webstore admins / owners I am working on our SEO ranking and SEM. Using Google Webmaster Tools showed me that my poace has 2 redirects





Looking for solutions on the web I read that I should implement this in my .htaccess file

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^mydomain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://mydomain.com/$1 [R=301,L]


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

Both solutions do not work in my case

my config.local.php file has the following code:

// Host and directory where software is installed on no-secure server
$config['http_host'] = 'pasioonline.com';
$config['http_path'] = '';

// Host and directory where software is installed on secure server
$config[‘https_host’] = ‘pasioonline.com’;
$config[‘https_path’] = ‘’;

In the store configuration I use


I am pretty much lost at the moment. Any suggestions ?

Anyone ?




Whichever naming you want should be in your config.local.php and should be supported by your DNS and SSL. So if you want www.pasioonline.com then use that in your config.local.php (and your storefront URL's if multiple storefronts). Otherwise access by www.pasioonline.com will redirect to pasioonline.com but passioonline.com will not be redirected (unless need to login or other expected redirection).

Well Tony

if I follow your analysis then I have to check my DNS settings at my domain registar and or dns provider and check my SSL.

In my DNS settings I have three A records

A: *.pasioonline.com - directed to the dedicated IP of my cpanel account
A: pasioonline.com - directed to that same dedicated IP of my cpanel account
A: www.pasioonline.com - directed to the same IP etc etc.

My SSL is created for


You have already seen my local.conf.php settings..

would I just have to remove one A record from the DNS settings ??

I don't think you need to adjust you A records at all. Just be sure your http_host and https_host in config.local.php represents the URL that you want to use. If a user comes to your site via that URL, then no redirect will occur. If they don't then it will. You can add code to .htaccess to redirect invalid ones with a 301 so that search engines see it as a permanent redirect. Otherwise if it gets to the cart and it redirects, it will be a 302 (temporary) redirect.