Automatic Products in Same Category

Hello All,

I need a new block: “Automatic Products in Same Category”.

How to do it?

Thank you for your help,

Lee Li Pop

Lee Li,

Do you mean like related products, but instead of being done manually, you want the related products to be added automatically and only the products of the same category?

I’m not sure how to do that myself, but it would be really great. I hate having to go back through and add related products. I pretty much forget and end up not doing it.


Hello Brandon,

[quote name=‘brandonvd’]

Do you mean like related products, but instead of being done manually, you want the related products to be added automatically and only the products of the same category?[/QUOTE]


I need to setup a “X Products in Same Category Filter”.

Lee Li Pop

I’m interested in this too. Please post any finds.

Thank you