Alexbranding - Premium Cs-Cart Template Unitheme

To my chagrin Untiheme only provide icons for establishment social media outlets like Zuckbook (Facebook), Youtube, Linkedin etc. where are icons for Gettr, Gab, Telegram, Minds, Locals, Rumble, Mastodont... ? or chat apps like Signal, Briar, Sekur ?? Is it possible to add those missing icons?

Thanks for amazing upgrade..

i have issue:

the images not shown when hovering mouse

same issue here, in no cases anywhere do images of variations appear on hover


we have released Unitheme2 v 4.15.1a and MV 4.15.1.a for fully support on new CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor core.

You can start update!

If you have any problems with this process we can help you

Hello everyone, I would like to report a bug. In cs-cart ultimate version 4.15.1, if you add a new storefront while using unitheme and copy and create the store homepage with all the data in the main store while adding the storefront, it cannot copy the banners. Therefore, errors occur in the demo appearance. I am attaching the screenshot as well. I wanted to inform you that the theme makers might take it into consideration and fix it. Good work everyone.


I just wonder if Unitheme add a layout for clothing Store! in cs cart market place none of any theme that is comply with clothing brand for Apparel Shop Theme!

Its an Humble request to add a Layout for Proper Clothing Shop


Dear friends, we have released update for theme:

UniTheme2 - premium CS-Cart theme complex v4.15.1.e from 25-Aug-2022

Discuss release, share your point of view, notify about error or suggest and improvement you can on our forum !

Attention! We recommend to update used layouts of the theme.

Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result? Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.

Service - theme update

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new style for the “Checkout” page (layout update is required to - ult7).
[+] On the layout page "Checkout" added new blocks with new templates:
* Block "Order summary" with the template "AB: Order summary";
* Block "AB: Promo code" with the template "AB: Promo code";
* Block "Your order" with the template "AB: Products in cart".
You need to update layouts if you wish to start working with the blocks rapidly.
[+] "Cities" add-on. At the add-on settings a new setting "AB: Display on checkout page" has been added. The setting allows to display selected cities close to the field of city selection on the checkout page.
[+] For theme setting “Product lists → Settings for "List without options" product list view” added settings: “Product icon width” and “Product icon height”. These settings allow to specify its own icon sizes individually for each device type.
[+] For theme setting “Product lists → Settings for "Compact list" product list view” added settings: “Product icon width” and “Product icon height”. These settings allow to specify its own icon sizes individually for each device type.
[+] Added a new setting “Number of displayed elements of the second menu level”. The setting allows to limit irrelevant number of menu items of the second level.

Functionality changes:
[~] Added a new style for content block "Request a call”. The block is available at all new (ult7) theme layouts.
[~] Added menu of the account to the block "My Account (block)". This block is designed to be displayed in the panel of FLY menu.

Bug fixes:
[!] At FLY menu for elements of the first menu level without sublevels, link didn't wrap description on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] If the block “FLY menu” has been displayed for mobile devices and Tablets only, button/icon of the menu was located below it designed location. Fixed.
[!] In the block “FLY menu” click at menu item has been transfered to the Home page, if there was no link at menu element of the first level. Fixed.
[!] iOS (Iphone). In the bottom sticky panel, header of the window “Cart” with a large number of products has been covered with the top panel of browser on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the category page there was no ability to return to the start of product lists when the setting “Show more → Paginator operation mode / Automatically” was active and when update the page after reaching the last page. Fixed.
[!] [SEO] When the theme setting “Product → Enable search of similar products in the category” was active and the button “Show more” was hidden, an error could occur with a specific content type close to product features in advanced snippet. Fixed.
[!] “Warehouses”, “Maps and Geolocation” add-ons. In the Fixed layout the main menu has been hidden when loading the page for the first time and when the add-ons “Warehouses”, “Maps and Geolocation” were active, as well as using product blocks with the template “AB: Scroller advanced”. Fixed.
[!] In the Light v2 layout when the menu block with the template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” was active, clicking at the empty space of the screen has fixed the page. Fixed.
[!] “General products for vendors” add-on. On the product page with the template “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)” products have not been loaded and the button disappeared, when filling the products manually (general product + vendor variation) and when clicking the button “Show more”. Fixed.
[!] In product blocks a wrong title has been used in the pop-up window of varioation/option selection when the theme setting "Product lists → Variations → Allow to select variations\options from lists". Fixed.

Layout changes:
[~] A new page “Checkout” and block “Request a call” have been added to all layouts (ult7).

Updates are available to all users with an active subscription; they are made through the CS-Cart Update Center.

Video with the most important changes:

If you want to receive information about all our updates - subscribe to our channels:
- Telegram
- WhatsApp
- YouTube


I just wonder if Unitheme add a layout for clothing Store! in cs cart market place none of any theme that is comply with clothing brand for Apparel Shop Theme!

Its an Humble request to add a Layout for Proper Clothing Shop


Do you need clothing store adaptation? Ok, we are ready to develop individually for you any custom dev features and view.

Do you need clothing store adaptation? Ok, we are ready to develop individually for you any custom dev features and view.

Hi Unitheme i am very thank full that you have replied my question!
Yes Sir i need clothing store adaptation? without to change anything else there is only need the theme layout that adapt the clothing shop
extend promotion block image grid should also be change as in my screenshots or the demo you see in my mail!
I have many customers who needs that layout out but is is no any perfect theme that fits to clothing store
here is the example from magento theme https://blueskytechm.../demo_fashion_6
and here is the one more example of the cs cart theme this is new release! you just need to set the theme images grid according to clothing shop, like in this demo and the fed can be displayed on the image of the device is tablet or desktop.
I hope my search ends here and you would be able to add layout in your next Unitheme upgrade version!
Many Thanks

thanks to the Youtube video I realised what the problem was, thank you.

Do you need clothing store adaptation? Ok, we are ready to develop individually for you any custom dev features and view.

Hi Unitheme i am very thank full that you have replied my question!
Yes Sir i need clothing store adaptation? without to change anything else there is only need the theme layout that adapt the clothing shop
extend promotion block image grid should also be change as in my screenshots or the demo you see in my mail!
I have many customers who needs that layout out but is is no any perfect theme that fits to clothing store
here is the example from magento theme https://blueskytechm.../demo_fashion_6
and here is the one more example of the cs cart theme this is new release! you just need to set the theme images grid according to clothing shop, like in this demo and the fed can be displayed on the image of the device is tablet or desktop.
I hope my search ends here and you would be able to add layout in your next Unitheme upgrade version!
Many Thanks

Hi Unitheme i am very thank full that you have replied my question!
Yes Sir i need clothing store adaptation? without to change anything else there is only need the theme layout that adapt the clothing shop
extend promotion block image grid should also be change as in my screenshots or the demo you see in my mail!
I have many customers who needs that layout out but is is no any perfect theme that fits to clothing store
here is the example from magento theme https://blueskytechm.../demo_fashion_6
and here is the one more example of the cs cart theme this is new release! you just need to set the theme images grid according to clothing shop, like in this demo and the fed can be displayed on the image of the device is tablet or desktop.
I hope my search ends here and you would be able to add layout in your next Unitheme upgrade version!
Many Thanks

Please make a ticket to our support with description of desired changes/custom dev, you will get a quotation.

Its not real to give you answer here on forum. Sorry.

Please make a ticket to our support with description of desired changes/custom dev, you will get a quotation.

Its not real to give you answer here on forum. Sorry.

Ok Sir, i have opend a ticket, kindly check


In version v4.15.2.b, the top menu is not centered anymore.
I tried different things but with no luck.
You can see this in your demo.



I’m having some issues with our site -

The bottom menu is not working on mobile devices. How can I fix it?

Looking forward to your response. Any help with be highly appreciated.



Hello. It is better to write directly to their support.

Hi AlexBranding,
We use unitheme2 and the image size is too small in the product details page, although on hover the larger actual size of the image is displayed. How did i increase the size of the displayed image?

Hi @alexbranding . I have used a block filled with AB: filling products on one of my blog page. Block showing that there are 500 products inside of it but i have set 6 items on grid to show on the blog page and it is showing only the same 6 products. Is there are a way to shuffle these 500 products and show different 6 products on each reload of this blog page ? Now it is showing the same 6 products forever.

Hello, I would like to make a suggestion for the Advanced Seo Meta Tags addon

The plugin seems very well thought out. I tested the demo myself. In my opinion, the addon has serious shortcomings at a very important point. If you ask what this deficiency is, I would like to briefly mention it.
I also think you should add the ability to the addon to set dumps added in the properties section as placeholders. The plugin will then act like a full AI. In this way, you can make such a beautiful work even more unrivaled. After all, people do web searches based on product features. I would like to give an example on this subject.

For example:
Brand: Dacia
Model: Logan
Model year: 2011

Let’s get the feature breakdowns

Let’s put air filter in our product name. Now let’s convert this structure to a string in placeholder logic.

[Model_year] Model [Brand] [Model] Air Filter

Let the target customer search be as follows

2011 model dacia logon air filter price

What will be the result? 100% match

If this ability is included in the next update, an important missing area in terms of SEO will be closed.

love, respect

any one here know how i can do this scrolling navigation here

Latest version on video gallery addon and cs cart version 4.18.2.sp1 and still got this issue from 2022 version

[!] In product list with the template “Grid” icon “Youtube/Video” have not been displayed. Fixed.