Advanced Search CSS

I’m having an issue with the advanced search page. The “Search options” link is out of place and I can’t find what’s causing it. Anybody seen this or have any ideas?


[quote name=‘interfaceFactory’]I’m having an issue with the advanced search page. The “Search options” link is out of place and I can’t find what’s causing it. Anybody seen this or have any ideas?



Your signature says 2.0.12/basic, but the image seems not to be from basic template.

That’s the advanced search windows of basic template: [url][/url]

Did you change something in your css?

I’ve changed colors and positioning throughout the site. Apparently I altered the position of this also, but can’t find the discrepancy or the style that positions this. :confused:

Yea, it would be in your css or tpl file but; NO URL - NO help

But this is the class in your css: section-title

I’ve been all through those styles and can’t see it…

[quote name=‘indy0077’] but; NO URL - NO help[/QUOTE]

Ha! Here’s what I’m working on:

[URL=“TGN Distributing-Large Scale RC, Crawler, and Drone SuperStore –”][/URL]

Your problem is here:

showcase.css (line 64)

h3 a








padding:0 0 0 40px;

[COLOR=Red]position:absolute; /* change it to :relative */





…and how on earth did you see that???

That h3 was overriding the template h3.

  1. [url][/url]

  2. [url]Firebug

    Have a fun!

Have it, just use the developer toolkit more.

Thanks for your time and help, that was getting frustrating.

For web design forget IE. Do use ever FF and IE-Developer kit only if you find any design differences between FF and IE.