Admin Panel Search Function - Uesless

Admin panel search function has always been poor - but since last update it is now uesless - even for exact match searches. Every search finds 100's of results......

Hm strange, works well for me. What I mostly search is customer by email, product by code. All are found very well. If search for product title I use advanced search exact match and only in title.

Admin panel search function has always been poor - but since last update it is now uesless - even for exact match searches. Every search finds 100's of results......

What about demo store? Do you see the same issue there?

I have the same problem. Trying to figure out how on earth it gets its results. Anyone from cs-cart can explain?

The admin search in 2.x was great... don't tell me 4 is this useless? :)

Same issue here. If you search for one word, it is all great and dandy. If you add two words, you get full database as search result. The accuracy is extremely poor.

I search for "axis", everything with "axis" word is pulled up. What I would like to pull axis as one word? Nope.

Can u find what you need using advanced search?

Nope. Even if I select a certain field, it still does a simple LIKE % % search by stripping space character at the end or in the front so it makes it impossible to find a word by itself.