Admin Panel Don't Open

Hi, I upgraded (ver. 4.2.4) my website to subdirectory later I moved to main directory new version 4.2.4 website. My Old website moved to subdirectory.

Before move, in administrator panel changed the store url as and The all files moved to maindirectory. I changed config.local.php settings and .htacces settings. and I cleared cache files.

Now Storefront work as normal but I want to open as the admin panel but I can’t open it. When I want open it, the open is directly.

By the way, my old website in subdirectory as normal storefront and admin panel no problem.

Can you help me about that? I don’t know what can I do now?

When we went live, we set our domain name to point directly to the index.php file (the storefront), so you couldn't get to the admin panel from there. For ours, I have to go directly to the ip address/directory/admin.php to open the admin panel. If you know the IP address, does that method work?