Additional stores problem with 3.01 ultimate on localhost


currently testing 3.01 ultimate and can not see storefronts for second and further shops.

The idea is to use diferent domains for every store. I found documentation for cPanel but I was testing it on XAMPP and DENWER with no luck for the moment. By the way any documentation for Plesk?

I mean general install is not a problem but how to configure other shops for XAMPP or DENWER

In storefront URL for main store I have: http://localhost/mainstore

and for the second I have [b]http://localhost/shop2[/b]

What else is missing? do I need to modify htaccess?


Sorted out (for Denwer). You have to modify httpd.conf (located in conf folder)

In the end add virtual hosts for as many shops as needed:

DocumentRoot “Z:/home/mainshop/www”

ServerName “shop2”

ServerAlias “shop2” “www.shop2”

ScriptAlias /cgi/ “/home/mainshop/cgi/”

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ “/home/mainshop/cgi-bin/”

SSLEngine on

DocumentRoot “Z:/home/mainshop/www”

ServerName “shop2”

ServerAlias “shop2” “www.shop2”

ScriptAlias /cgi/ “/home/mainshop/cgi/”

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ “/home/mainshop/cgi-bin/”

then manually add hosts in host file located in (windows…/etc) shop2 www.shop2

and restart apache.

Hope it saves time to someone…