Add To Cart Underneath Image

I just upgraded to 4.3.1 from 4.2.4. The upgrade went smooth but I have an alignment issue now.

On the product pages, the product image is on the left as normal, but the options, item code, add to cart button are aligned underneath the product image instead of next to it on the right.

Can anyone give any suggestions on how to fix this please?


Please go to the theme editor, find the CSS section and add the following rule:

.ty-product-block__wrapper .ty-product-detail .ty-product-block__left {
padding-right: 10px;

And do not forget to clear cache

That didn't work for me even after clearing the cache.

I have a support ticket in. I will add the answer when I get it.

Please provide us with the temporary FTP access or try to remove the var/cache directory manually.


we are also at your service.

best regards,

WSA team

My layout had a column on both sides and the center grid was 1 width too large. Here is the fix that they gave. It is aligning properly now.


This is default behaviour of the Responsive theme in version 4.3.1 if the grid width is set to 10 or less. In the previous version the same happened if the grid width was 9 or less.

I added the following lines to the Custom CSS section of Visual Editor to correct this without changing the grid width:

.ty-product-detail .ty-product-block__left {

padding-right: 70px;
